The vibe of these games has always been 1950s futurism and period Americana (here with the added flair of a British-accented butlerbot called Codsworth), but explored many decades or centuries after the bombs have fallen.

After being introduced to the excellent character creation tool, where I sculpted a post-apocalyptic hero named Corbyn, you’re guided through some tinned conversation with your husband or wife in the sunny suburbia of Boston, 2077.

The opening briefly suggests a more unusual spin. Fallout 4 is one of the biggest releases of the year but it is an unusually musty game, a new experience that feels over-familiar. There is a point when tradition can turn into cliché or, even worse, into parody. “War never changes.” Fallout 4 begins with the go-to line of the series, before repeating it at the monologue’s close.