The pay seem to be good and I was anxious to. I then got home, selected my clothes and I was so happy. Favvie favvie: I had a dream and saw myself given a new job.Kristian: In my dream i was walking with my friend drinking some kind of juice and we where passing through the forest and in the trees I saw a man I ended up drinking.Daphne Wood: Had a dream I was in this beautiful valley and as I was traveling with these other people were driving and they drove us to this island where the.I am not superstitious, but it was too much. Mike Barkasy: Normally I don’t think much of any dreams, however this was too vivid.Kayleigh: Last night it was like enity entered me, as i went blind couldnt talk either only mumble, there was a big rush to get me to hospital.Evelyn: I had such a similar dream to yours a while back in my dream Beyoncé was getting married to a guy who I couldn’t clearly see.Jeffery Alexander Eskridge Brown Kelly: one time I did have a dream of myself as Long lost prince of duke of Cambridge and I realize that my ancestors are kings and.I was cutting some wood in the forest, it was in an old section, covered with under and overgrowth. James Riley Swan: Weird dream: Last weekend I had an odd dream.Nahida Noori: Hi, I am not friend of Obama, and never think about him at all, I dreamt him being my friend and the only excitement, I had that I would be able to speak.Just about as my last best friend was being picked up by one of the.

W carder: I Dreamed My Best Friends were kidnapped and all but one were murdered by someone.EJJAGANI SAIRAM: I saw a temple in the unknown small village (with the name clearly mentioned).They flew in from the sky over my sister and were very majestic and honorable. Deborah Ritz: I dreamt of a king and queen gargoyle.